Live a more open, pleasure-filled life with activities, workbooks, courses, and workshops exclusively created by SEX+ educators Sarah Tomchesson and Anne Hodder-Shipp. We guide the process with FREE monthly email advice and activities designed to help inspire growth and ignite curiosity, plus ongoing courses for when you're ready to invest in your pleasure and embark on deeper, more expansive exploration.

Not sure where to start? Sign up for the SEX+ email newsletter and get our new ebook "13 Ways to Jumpstart Your Pleasure TODAY" instantly! Enjoy 13 accessible actions you can take RIGHT NOW to help build a stronger relationship to joy and pleasure.

Hi, We're Anne & Sarah!

SEX+ Community co-founders and co-moderators, Anne and Sarah, share a combined 25 years of experience working in the sexuality education and event production space with a wealth of knowledge, professional experience, and candid personal experiences to share with you all.

We share a passionate mission to fight oppressive and limiting belief systems related to sexuality, identity, and relationships using accurate, affirming, inclusive, and expansive pleasure education, as well as other healing modalities like breathwork, somatic practices, sensory scanning, dreamwork, and more.


This FREE ebook introduces you to our approach to cultivating pleasure, starting with small and manageable actions you can take each day. Subscribers of our monthly email newsletter receive this one-of-a-kind digital guide as a FREE gift, welcoming you to the SEX+ community with a tangible and accessible guide that helps you invite more pleasure into your daily routine. You might be surprised by what you read!